Anita Girona Ribas

On his Deep Encounter with Yoga

Anita, a nature and sports enthusiast , discovered Yoga in 2015 at a time in her life of constant stress and anxiety. Over time, the practice became part of her daily life and improved her well-being. In 2019, after being diagnosed with breast cancer, Yoga helped her to better cope with the difficult oncological treatments, to trust and see life in a different way.

Anita Girona Yoga Teacher Namastecita Ambassador

It was at that moment that she decided to change her life for the better. She wanted to delve deeper into the path of Yoga to improve her practice, learn more about its philosophy and roots, doing her first 200h Yoga Teacher Training with the YogaOne school.

For Anita, that training was not only a step forward in her practice, but also a healing, a change in her that helped her to know herself a little better, opening a new path in her life. She began to share Yoga with other people, contributing what Yoga has helped her so much and what makes her so happy every day.

His Philosophy of Continuing Education

She continued her training by doing her second 100-hour Hatha Raja Yoga training focused on injuries so she could adapt the practice to all types of people, physiques and injuries.

It was at a Dharma Yoga workshop that she really connected with the style she feels most identified with. Dharma awakened something new in her ; when she practices, she does it freely, from love, from dedication to the practice without seeking results and enjoying it just as it is.

Anita Namastecita Ambassador Black Gold Elephant Mat

She specialized in the Sri Dharma Mittra style by completing the 100-hour training at YogaOne with international level teachers and in 2023 she trained with one of Sri Dharma Mittra's direct disciples, Om Jerome.

His Classes

An eternal student and always training to give the best to her students, in her classes you will be able to connect with the practice of Yoga very easily. A practice adapted to all levels, accompanied by Mantras that will help you connect with that innermost part, your being, to free the mind and discipline your body, always respecting the bases of Yoga both in practice and in your daily life.

She currently teaches classes at YogaOne Girona and other sports venues.

It also offers Yoga retreats and events every year so you can deepen your Yoga path.

Namastecita Ambassador Non-Slip Mat

Creator of the “Tots som un” project , an annual charity masterclass to raise funds for the Oncolliga foundation to help improve the lives of people undergoing oncological processes.

Favorite mantra, and Instagram.

His favorite mantra is “Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu” , may all beings in the universe be free and happy.

Follow me on @anita_esencia


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